If anything happens to your bicycle you can change it to another one or get it repaired at the following places. At some of them you can also get a "fika", i.e. a nice cup of tea or coffee
To replace your bike costs 200 sek.
From south to north:
Ottenby ottenbyvandrarhem.se 0485-662062
Skärlöv Nordqvist's beef www.skarlov.se/nordqvists-notkott 073-4272728
Kastlösa Allégården kastlosa.se 0485-42175
Glömminge Backagården 0485-37022
Bredsättra Hotel Drei Jahrezeiten www.drei-jahreszeiten.se 070-5855205
Sandvik Pensionat Haga pensionathaga.com 0485-552510
Löttorp Calles Bicycle calles-lottorp.se 070-1194279
Byxelkrok Byxelkroks Bike hire hyrencykel.nu 070-5796100
And of course you can replace your bike at our rental points in Mörbylånga and Borgholm.